The earliest I could schedule my phone interview was October 2nd at 8:15am, which was 10 days after I took the WBI. It was a long time to wait compared to other people who applied earlier and could interview the next day, but I was just relieved I actually got a phone interview!! I started feeling more confident and excited about the program! However, I knew there was still SO MUCH I needed to prepare for! I scoured the internet for a list of possible interview questions.
These two blogs helped A LOT:
Alyssa's Dream Come True: Interview Questions/Tips
...and all our wishes will come true
Plus the Unofficial DCP Guide Question List
These links had a HUGE list of questions that I copied into a word doc and wrote out all my answers too! Except knowing myself, if I had simply wrote out my answers without practice, it would sound WAY too rehearsed and totally unnatural. So I did what any independent, strong-minded, young woman would do....
I called my mom every night for 3-4 nights in a row and practiced with her for 1-2.5 hours at a time! I knew what I wanted to say for most of the answers, but she would help me figure out the best way to say it and how to not sound rehearsed! I must've changed my "Why I want to do the DCP" answer at least 3 times!! They ask that question 99.9% of the time! It's the one they always start with.
In fact, the three questions you ABSOLUTELY should be prepared to answer are:
1. Why you want to do the program?
2. Tell me about your past work experience
3. What are your top 3-5 roles and why?
Two tips you'll hear over and over again are to SMILE when you talk (this was not even a concern for me) because they can tell over the phone! Also to find a quiet room and be prepared 15min early or for them to call 15min late. This was a little more concerning to me because I live in a sorority house with 39 girls. My room is right across from the bathroom which is basically chit chat central. I told everyone ahead of time which was good because everyone was quiet during the interview! (except like 5min before it was getting kind of loud and I was like OMGOMGOMG stop!! But by the time the phone rang it was all good :) I just get distracted so easily with noise!!
The night before the interview I practiced one last time with my mom, and I was up until 2am looking at Disney blogs and videos. Right before I went to bed, I watched this video, and out of tiredness/love for disney I actually got teary eyed at one point! So embarrassing...but the video is actually really great!
I ended up not falling asleep until about 3am. This was how I set my alarm, better safe than sorry!!

I was so tired, and I had a long day of school and work ahead of me. Plus I was feeling nauseous. It was weird, my mind was calm but my body was like YOU SHALL FEEL VERY SICK. I drank some green tea to wake up, ate cereal, played words with friends with my parents, put on my disney world t-shirt, and called my mom and dad one last time because I knew they were awake too.
At 7:50 I sat in the middle of my room with my phone and put on disney music. I tried taking deep breaths but my heart was pounding!! Except finally at around 8:10, I suddenly felt really relaxed. My mindset changed from nervous to
At 8:17 my interviewer called! They usually call from a Blocked number.
She was friendly, but seemed a little tired, however she became more and more animated as the conversation went on! I was definitely over-prepared. The interview was REALLY straightforward! I had prepared so many different scenario questions that people do get asked often. I didn't get asked any! Most of the questions I got were very this or that. Such as do you prefer working indoors or outdoors, with a team or individual, Disneyland or Disney World, are you familiar with The Disney Look, are you okay with working for minimum wage, etc. (I told her honestly I would do this for free, and she laughed at that and said she would too!) We talked about how rewarding the experience itself is, and getting paid is just a plus!

At the end of the interview they always ask if you have any questions for them. In any interview it is always best to have a question in mind to show you're interested! I asked if she thought it was best to bring a car to the program and her favorite parts of her DCP experience. This sparked a long conversation which was great!
I swore she said at the beginning of the interview her name was Betty. So naturally, at the end of the interview I said "Thank you so much, Betty!" Her name was Debbie.

She said she gets that a lot though. I told her I should've known since my mom's name is Debbie. She said oh how funny! :)
I was very happy with how the interview went! Which of course called for 1 minute of dancing around to Disney music in my room like a goober. I told myself even if I don't get in, there was nothing I could've possibly done or said better, which made me feel really good.
This doesn't mean I was confident about getting accepted though. Everyone was telling me that I should have nothing to worry about, and I was meant to do this, and all that other good stuff...which was really nice of people to say! But that still doesn't mean that the 10,000-22,000 other people who apply each semester aren't meant to do this either! Only around 3,000-7,000 are accepted. I was deathly afraid of being PENDED which is basically like being put on a wait list, and you don't find out until December 14th if you're rejected/accepted. SO SCARY!!! Some people wrote on the wall saying they've been pended like 2 or 3 times before and this was their 3rd or 4th time applying! They said they felt so relaxed/confident/happy during their interview too! I really had no idea what to expect. Like everyone else applying, I just wanted to know!!!

My interviewer said I would find out in two weeks.
I knew this was not really true because people post on the group wall saying they have found out in 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, all the way up to 3-4 weeks!
Let the "waiting game" begin!
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