Friday, October 19, 2012

Top 5 Tips for Interacting with a Disney Addict


The original Chip & Co article can be found: here! 

I thought it was a really funny article, and also very accurate, so I wanted to share :) 

I did add my own pictures though!

Disney Addicts are just like you. They just have more pairs of Mickey Ears.
Halloween 2010
For those of you who are not Disney Addicts this addiction may seem confusing and overwhelming. The idea that someone would choose to take every vacation at the same location might challenge you. “What is the big deal?”, you might ask yourself, “Isn’t Disney just a sweltering hot, packed-out theme-park full of kiddy rides and over-priced fast food?”

What you must understand is that to a true Disney Addict, every trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland is a homecoming. To the Disney Addict WDW and Dland is where they belong; where they can be themselves and be surrounded by magic.
Disney Addicts are somewhat of a mystery to the rest of the population and so I wanted to give you my top 5 tips for interacting with the Disney Addict in order to make your relationship healthier.
Disney World 2011
Disneyland 2011

TIP 1 – Clothing: You should make every effort to not call a Disney Addict “weird” simply because they wear ties with mickey heads to board meetings, or mickey-shaped earrings while having a night on the town. Do not call attention to the fact that every t-shirt they own has a Disney Character on it. Instead of lambasting them when they return from their vacation with a new 
pair of plush Mickey costume gloves, you should look for more discrete Disney based gifts to give them for holiday gifts. There are many purses, socks, scarfs, dresses and other items with mickeys “hidden” into the pattern that will allow the individual to show their Disney pride in more subtle ways.

Disneyland 2012
TIP 2 – Food: Part of the addiction to Disney World/Disneyland centers around an obsession with specific Disney-park foods. I have a friend who is a stage-four Disney Addict (65+ trips and he’s 24 yrs old) who swears there must be “crack or something in Casey’s Corner Hotdogs”. He has told me many times he will be driving down the street and suddenly have an overwhelming urge to book a trip just thinking about the hotdogs. My friend Suzanne Broughton swears that the Disneyland Corndog is THE addiction of choice for Dlanders and even got the scoop in her video The Disneyland Corn Dog Story. For my husband its the Dole Whip that triggers his irrational need to book a trip to WDW. You can help to quell this addiction by learning to make replicas of these foods at home. Our very own Chip wrote an article on How to Make your own Dole Whips , and as you saw in the Disneyland Corn Dog Story its an off-the-shelf batter that is used to make the Disneyland corn dogs. Spring for a mickey-head-shaped waffle maker and try giving your Addict small reminders of “home” with Disney Park-like foods.

My Desktop Background (since 2011)
TIP 3 – Technology: You should never point and laugh when you discover that a Disney Addicts computer screensaver contains nothing but photos from past Disney trips. Nor should you mock them when their Facebook status contains at least one mention of how many days until their next trip. Don’t be surprised when every bookmark on their computer is a Disney blog such as Tips from the Disney Diva or Chip & Co . Technology allows Disney Addicts to feel a part of the magic in the time in-between trips. It both feeds and satisfies their addiction simultaneously. Take me for example, I’m working through my Disney “DT’s” by blogging tips that allow me to live vicariously through those planning their vacations. Whenever you run across a great article send it to your Disney Addict friend and help them through technology.
Spontaneous Trip to Disneyland 2011

TIP 4 – Polite Conversation:
 Disney Addicts lose all concept of time when talking to other people about their Disney Vacations. You should be careful when making small-talk with the Disney Addict to never mention anything Disney related unless you genuinely want to talk to the Addict about it. Make sure you have a plan of how you will exit the conversation gracefully once you are tired of talking about how many times their kid threw-up after riding Expedition Everest. The worst thing you can do to an Addict is act like Disney World/ Disneyland is stupid and not worth talking about, or that they are crazy for going so many times.

Disneyland 2010

TIP 5 – Planning Trips: To A Disney Addict planning a trip  to WDW or Dland is an ART FORM. No, they can’t just show up and figure out that day what to do. Yes, they really do need to book the dining reservations 180 days in advance. No, they don’t need a park map. It doesn’t make them weird, well maybe a little weird, but it makes YOUR trip to Disney a whole lot more enjoyable because they know what the plan is before you arrive. So if they’re sleeping, eating, and speaking Disney 24/7 and its getting a little old try saying something more like “I know you are excited about our trip, I am to, I trust you to plan it, you don’t have to discuss every element with me. I enjoy the surprise of the trip!” instead of “Shush! I’m sick and tired of hearing about this stupid trip!” OK? Remember all this planning is actually a method the addict uses to elongate the trip itself. When Addicts start packing a month ahead of the trip it makes me them  feel like the trip has already begun. So let them plan, really, what can it hurt?

So now you have some tips to interacting with a Disney Addict. They are people and should be treated as such, even though they are obsessed with mice, ducks, dogs, dwarfs, and weird dog-like animals with buck-teeth. Good luck!
Disneyland 2011
Disneyland 2009

Walt Disney World 2011

-Kristin, Tips from the Disney Diva

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I'm Just a Yearnin' for Some Learnin'

^anyone know which movie that quote is from? :)

GET THIS! Disney just came out with a new "Day in the Life" video for Custodial!! And the girl featured in it is taking one of the classes I'm taking, and she's working in Animal Kingdom which is where I would want to be placed!


I just registered for two Disney classes!!

The first class is a part of the Disney Exploration Series called Exploring Disney Heritage. It's essentially an extensive History of Disney class. The syllabus says: "Each class is highly interactive and encourages each participant to full experience the 47 square miles of the Walt Disney World® Resort as a learning laboratory. This opportunity consists of a series of conversations and presentations facilitated by Disney leaders from across the resort, sharing their insights and experiences." Aka the class is extremely interactive with guest speakers and you get to take behind the scenes tours onsite at the parks. The class seems to be one of the most popular, so I'm really glad I was able to get a spot. I chose to take it on Thursdays because it's my favorite day of the week!

The second class is called Creativity and Innovation. I'm really interested in this class in hope of becoming a Creative Director or an Imagineer one day! I'm no artist or engineer, but I'm really interested in what kind of career opportunities Disney has for creative development. I remember a long time ago thinking, they should come up with a better Snow White ride, something like riding in the mine carts that the seven dwarves work in!

Clearly I'm not the only one who has thought of it would be nice to get paid for coming up with these things.

I got 99 problems but a Stitch ain't one!



I'm finally all caught up on my blog! Now starting to look forward! 

Everything you could ever need ever need to know about applying, WBI, Phone Interview, my role selections, can be found in the posts below. (and helpful links on the side :)

PhotobucketI've already got some roommates! You can wait until you get to check-in to be assigned roommates, but most people find them ahead of time on the Facebook groups. Disney also provides a roommate matching system, but the site isn't up yet since the application process is still going on. The only requirement for roommates is that you have to have the same check-in/move-in day (Jan. 21st!!) and wait in line with each other. Again, I suppose it's still not guaranteed you'll be together, but the chances are extremely likely, especially if you're early!

I'll be rooming with Caitlin (Cat) who I had been messaging throughout the entire app process! And we've already got two suitemates, Emily and Kaila! We could not be any more excited!! (Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time one of us has said "excited" or "I can't wait" in our messages...I'd have enough money to buy my own park hopper pass...)


I'll be working on creating my DCP Bucket List with all of the things I want to do while I'm on the program that I wouldn't normally be able to do if I, you know, didn't have an entire semester to spend at the parks...

Knowing that I'm not going to be at UofA next semester is also starting to sink in. I'm going to start taking pictures of some of my favorite things about Arizona, and then maybe add a picture of something I'm looking forward to at Disney!

Also I might do one of those "30 Day Disney Challenge" things as a way to pass time!

Yesterday my sorority had Initiation! Congrats to the beautiful FPC '12!! Just wait till you see my paddle from my newest little, Nicole! (Littles decorate wooden paddles for Bigs; Bigs craft a basket of presents for Littles) Let's just say we share the Disney love...

Nicole and I with the BEAUTIFUL paddle she made me! The rhinestones are in the shape of mickeys, I might add.

Basket for Nicole!

 Glam Fam! From top: Me, Danielle (Little), Hayley (Grand Little), Nicole (Little), and Haley (Big)!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Whistle While You Work

Here's the most common question I've been getting asked lately:
So like, when you work in the park...what are you going to like, do?

The different jobs are called roles and not positions, and workers are called Cast Members instead of employees! This is because the Disney experience isn't just going on rides or attractions; the entire park is considered a stage! From the moment you step foot onto Disney property, it is up to the Cast Members to bring guests the Disney magic from beginning to end!

When you apply to do the program, your interviewer will ask for your top 3-5 roles. This was something that I researched very thoroughly. I knew I would be happy with almost anything, especially the roles with a lot of guest interaction! I thought long and hard what order I was going to put my top 5 role choices in. However, it was made clear it is NOT guaranteed that I would even be placed in one of my top selections!

But guess what?!

I GOT MY #1 Role Choice!!!

Here were my top 5 choices:

#5 Character Attendant
This would be so much fun!! As a character attendant you would be hanging out with the characters and introducing the guests to the character you're with! It's perfect for someone who likes speaking in front of people, handling large crowds, and can come up with creative ways to speak on behalf of that character! My Interviewer only asked for my top 3 or 4 so I didn't end up asking for this role.

#4/#3 Quick Service or Full Service Food and Beverage
I have restaurant experience so this would feel right at home to me! I love everything about working in a restaurant: cooking the food, taking orders, and even dishwashing! I told my interviewer I would be open to doing Quick Service or Full Service. 

Quick Service includes working food courts or working at restaurants such as Dino Diner, Pizza Planet, Main Street Bakery, etc. Full Service is more of the types of restaurants you would expect to find in Downtown Disney and restaurants like Chef Mickey's or Hollywood & Vine.

#2 Attractions
How cool would it be to operate a ride?! It's something I've never done before! You would get assigned an attraction during training, and it could be anything! So that means you could be one of the people who does a ride with a spiel like Great Movie Ride and you would perform in front of guests! If I had the choice I'd probably pick Splash Mountain because it's my favorite :)

And now the moment you've all been waiting for!!

If I could have any role, any role at all....

which happens to be the one I'm doing....







Yes, it is a job where I'll have to pick up trash, clean bathrooms, and wipe tables. All things which I have done in the past with my other jobs.

But what people don not realize is that Custodial is EXTREMELY guest interactive. My interviewer was impressed that I knew this, and I told her I was a very approachable person! Think about it, Custodial Cast Members are the ones out in the parks and available to guests if they need directions, their picture taken, or were wondering what time the 3:00 parade starts...

This blog calls Custodial:
"A walking, talking information booth with a smile"

I read so many other Disney blogs that wrote about how much they LOVED doing Custodial!! Custodial allows you to have more freedom compared to other roles. I'm so excited to do it and to be able to wander around and explore the park while doing my job! While picking up trash and wiping off tables of course...

Plus Custodial could do water art around the parks which I hope they still do when I'm there!

Fun Fact! The reason why Custodial's uniforms are white/light blue is because they are neutral to the different parks and lands, so the theme isn't ruined when Custodians travel from land to land!

I will find my way, I can Go the Distance!

 ....OR NOT!!!

After my interview, I was mentally preparing myself for the longest 2-3weeks of my life. We are notified by e-mail if we were accepted/pended/rejected. My self-control to not check my email maybe lasted 15min after I hung up the phone. It was really sad.

This was me about every 30 seconds:


I suppose my best game plan was to watch as many movies as possible to pass the time when I wasn't working on stuff for school!

I was EXHAUSTED the rest of the day after my interview from continuous lack of sleep. I shuffled to all of my classes and trudged on to work. That day was mostly a sleepy blur, and it went by quick!


DAY 1: Wednesday
I had never heard of anyone finding out in only one day worth of time, so I wasn't expecting an e-mail. Although I must say I got so angry every time my phone went off with an e-mail for something else other than Disney. I WANTED THIS SO BAD! I noticed on the DCP facebook groups there were people who had their interview "yesterday" (same day as me) and already got PENDED!!! AAAHHH

I frantically checked my e-mail and there was still nothing! No news at that point was good news. But that still didn't mean I couldn't get pended at any time...the applications were SO impacted, anyone could've gotten pended at that point from application overflow!

I kept reminding myself that there was nothing at this point I could do. Just keep having faith, trust, and a little bit (or maybe like a ton) of pixie dust :)

DAY 2: Thursday
I knew some people had been accepted in two days, but I also knew this was extremely rare. The average was probably somewhere within 1-2 weeks notice. I kept thinking positive thoughts and that it could happen! I told Caitlin (who also had her interview the same day as me!) the previous day that Thursdays have been my favorite day of the week for years because something really good always happens to me and I was hoping this would be it!

First thing I did in the morning was check the Facebook pages to see if anyone else had been accepted. Disney typically sends acceptances e-mails in "waves" aka a bunch at the same time. I thought maybe if I was lucky, Thursday or Friday or Monday there would be an acceptance wave, because there had not been one for a while. I was going home that weekend too, so it would be awesome if I found out when I was with my family!

I think at around 10am I saw one or two people say they got accepted! Still nothing on my e-mail.

But something kept my butt glued to sitting down with my computer instead of getting ready for my 11am class. I start scrolling around the multiple Disney fb pages to see if there are any other updates, and I message Caitlin again to see if she heard anything! She hadn't. Then I see a couple more acceptance posts and I just had that feeling. I checked my e-mail and there it was...

My heart fluttered, I took a breath, and smiled.



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BE PREPAAAAAARED: Phone Interview!


The earliest I could schedule my phone interview was October 2nd at 8:15am, which was 10 days after I took the WBI. It was a long time to wait compared to other people who applied earlier and could interview the next day, but I was just relieved I actually got a phone interview!! I started feeling more confident and excited about the program! However, I knew there was still SO MUCH I needed to prepare for! I scoured the internet for a list of possible interview questions.

These two blogs helped A LOT:

Alyssa's Dream Come True: Interview Questions/Tips

...and all our wishes will come true

Plus the Unofficial DCP Guide Question List

These links had a HUGE list of questions that I copied into a word doc and wrote out all my answers too! Except knowing myself, if I had simply wrote out my answers without practice, it would sound WAY too rehearsed and totally unnatural. So I did what any independent, strong-minded, young woman would do....

I called my mom every night for 3-4 nights in a row and practiced with her for 1-2.5 hours at a time! I knew what I wanted to say for most of the answers, but she would help me figure out the best way to say it and how to not sound rehearsed! I must've changed my "Why I want to do the DCP" answer at least 3 times!! They ask that question 99.9% of the time! It's the one they always start with.

In fact, the three questions you ABSOLUTELY should be prepared to answer are:
1. Why you want to do the program?
2. Tell me about your past work experience
3. What are your top 3-5 roles and why?

Two tips you'll hear over and over again are to SMILE when you talk (this was not even a concern for me) because they can tell over the phone! Also to find a quiet room and be prepared 15min early or for them to call 15min late. This was a little more concerning to me because I live in a sorority house with 39 girls. My room is right across from the bathroom which is basically chit chat central. I told everyone ahead of time which was good because everyone was quiet during the interview! (except like 5min before it was getting kind of loud and I was like OMGOMGOMG stop!! But by the time the phone rang it was all good :) I just get distracted so easily with noise!!

The night before the interview I practiced one last time with my mom, and I was up until 2am looking at Disney blogs and videos. Right before I went to bed, I watched this video, and out of tiredness/love for disney I actually got teary eyed at one point! So embarrassing...but the video is actually really great!

I ended up not falling asleep until about 3am. This was how I set my alarm, better safe than sorry!!

Except it didn't matter because at 6:15am I was like...

I was so tired, and I had a long day of school and work ahead of me. Plus I was feeling nauseous. It was weird, my mind was calm but my body was like YOU SHALL FEEL VERY SICK. I drank some green tea to wake up, ate cereal, played words with friends with my parents, put on my disney world t-shirt, and called my mom and dad one last time because I knew they were awake too.

At 7:50 I sat in the middle of my room with my phone and put on disney music. I tried taking deep breaths but my heart was pounding!! Except finally at around 8:10, I suddenly felt really relaxed. My mindset changed from nervous to
At 8:17 my interviewer called! They usually call from a Blocked number. 

She was friendly, but seemed a little tired,  however she became more and more animated as the conversation went on! I was definitely over-prepared. The interview was REALLY straightforward! I had prepared so many different scenario questions that people do get asked often. I didn't get asked any! Most of the questions I got were very this or that. Such as do you prefer working indoors or outdoors, with a team or individual, Disneyland or Disney World, are you familiar with The Disney Look, are you okay with working for minimum wage, etc. (I told her honestly I would do this for free, and she laughed at that and said she would too!) We talked about how rewarding the experience itself is, and getting paid is just a plus!

The other questions I got asked were, of course, Why I wanted to do this internship, work experience, and my top 4 roles and why? But there were no follow up scenario questions to my role selections, which was very surprising. (I will go into detail about my top 4 in my next post!) I didn't remember right away (it was all a blur!) but looking back I think I also got asked Which character I was most like and why and What three words would my co-workers describe me as? I answered Mickey Mouse, because he faces challenges with a smile and positive attitude, loves all his friends, and is a natural leader! And the three words I said were happy, energetic, and efficient.
At the end of the interview they always ask if you have any questions for them. In any interview it is always best to have a question in mind to show you're interested! I asked if she thought it was best to bring a car to the program and her favorite parts of her DCP experience. This sparked a long conversation which was great!

I swore she said at the beginning of the interview her name was Betty. So naturally, at the end of the interview I said "Thank you so much, Betty!" Her name was Debbie.


She said she gets that a lot though. I told her I should've known since my mom's name is Debbie. She said oh how funny! :)

I was very happy with how the interview went! Which of course called for 1 minute of dancing around to Disney music in my room like a goober. I told myself even if I don't get in, there was nothing I could've possibly done or said better, which made me feel really good.

This doesn't mean I was confident about getting accepted though. Everyone was telling me that I should have nothing to worry about, and I was meant to do this, and all that other good stuff...which was really nice of people to say! But that still doesn't mean that the 10,000-22,000 other people who apply each semester aren't meant to do this either! Only around 3,000-7,000 are accepted. I was deathly afraid of being PENDED which is basically like being put on a wait list, and you don't find out until December 14th if you're rejected/accepted. SO SCARY!!! Some people wrote on the wall saying they've been pended like 2 or 3 times before and this was their 3rd or 4th time applying! They said they felt so relaxed/confident/happy during their interview too! I really had no idea what to expect. Like everyone else applying, I just wanted to know!!!


My interviewer said I would find out in two weeks.
I knew this was not really true because people post on the group wall saying they have found out in 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, all the way up to 3-4 weeks!

Let the "waiting game" begin!

This video made me laugh, it's a prank phone interview a friend played on someone who was applying. He got his roommate to act like an interviewer and called an hour early! If someone did this to me, I would've probably poured glitter down their eyeballs... :)

Let's Get Down To Business! To Defeat: The WBI!

(The second half of this post includes advice on taking the WBI)

After finishing the application, the next step is to take the Web-Based Interview (WBI). I did some research and you are supposed to be contacted on average within 5min-1 hour with an e-mail inviting you to take the WBI. I submitted my application on September 18th. A whole day went by and I still had no invite.

PhotobucketI decided it was best to just be patient, I figured Disney was really impacted with applications so the WBI invites must be delayed. I decided to join the two Disney College Program Facebook groups (god knows why there needs to be two...) to read more advice about the application process. 
Another day went by with no invite and I eventually decided to post a question asking if it should take this long. I learned I wasn't the only one with this problem! However, there were other people that recently applied and got their WBI invite right away. Eventually, everyone who was in the same boat as me ended up calling Disney to ask for the email. (This is now Sept. 21st) The lady I talked to wasn't super happy! I was really nice and she kind of cut me off and sounded like she just wanted to get me off the phone. This made me so nervous they were going to like, track me down or something! She told me they would e-mail me within an hour!


This was great news!! Until 1 hour went by...then 2 hours...3 hours...4...5...and FINALLY on my way to work I get an e-mail! I open it and it is a REMINDER to take my WBI within 5 days, and to see the previous e-mail to do so. Which I clearly did not have. Not only that, but this was a Friday, so when I tried calling again, I got the voice memo that the office is closed until Monday.
I was so frustrated!!! Not to mention so many people on the facebook groups were already posting that they had been accepted, and I hadn't even gotten through the WBI yet! I had been messaging another person with the same problem, Caitlin, and she received the same reminder e-mail without the initial invite.

BUUUUTTTT THEEENNNN at work when I was stocking the freezing cold...freezer...
PhotobucketI decided to check my phone and I see a message from Caitlin saying to check my e-mail because she finally got her invite!! And whatdyaknow so did I!! I felt SO MUCH BETTER! 
Except I knew I wouldn't be able to take it until the next morning because my sorority had our philanthropy event that night from 11pm-3am, DHOP! (Delta House of Pancakes) Sidenote: we ended up raising $8000 for St. Jude wooo!!!

ANYWAY I am finally able to take the WBI on Saturday morning Sept. 22nd. It had been a very long week; War of Roses, DHOP, a Date Dash, and Alumni Pool Party had all been scheduled for the week/weekend, not to mention 20+ hours of work and then homework. So I was really looking forward to finding out if I could move on in the application process!


The WBI is essentially a somewhat long test/survey on the computer to see if you would be a "good candidate" to work for Disney. If you pass, you get a phone interview. If you don't, you have to wait until next fall to apply again. To say I was nervous/anxious was an understatement! I didn't want it to be over just like that!

They say to set 40min to take the WBI (it took me about 30min) and to sit in a quiet area where you can focus. I chose the dining room in my sorority, which is a quiet place in general. Especially on a Saturday morning! But noooooo a whole group of girls came in talking! even my little walked in for a second and was like "HEY BIG HOW'S ARE Y-....oh are you doing that thing?!" hehehe I love you all but I was hardcore stressing out trying to block out the noise!

Most of the questions are timed. They look for consistency and it is really important to be honest. The majority of the questions are formatted as such:

I enjoy helping other people.
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree

They weren't all that easy though! Some were situational where I wanted to select more than one answer! Such as:
If a boy hurt is thumb would you
a) comfort him
b) tell a joke to take his mind off of it
c) fix it
d) tell your supervisor

I think I chose comfort him, but but I would've probably done all those things too! I suppose the important thing is to go with your gut and pick the best answer that suits you!

A big tip is to BE CONSISTENT. It isn't good to say you strongly agree to being on time, and then respond neutral to I am often late. The consistent response would be strongly disagree. They ask the same questions in different ways multiple times. I think I slipped on maybe one or two, but I was definitely paying attention to questions and making sure I was consistent in my answers.

Another tip I learned is to try to answer Strongly Agree/Strongly Disagree (as opposed to agree/disagree) as often as you can while still being honest. For instance with the statement: I enjoy making customers happy. If you agree, you might as well say you strongly agree! I think you get more points towards an acceptance score this way. I definitely answered neutral or just disagree/agree for a few I wasn't sure on though. I even ran out of time on a question or two!

More WBI advice can be found here: Unofficial Disney College Program Guide
There are also plenty of blogs/fb groups/websites that are out there with advice!

I was pulling my hair throughout the whole thing, and it wasn't even that bad in retrospect! My face was drawing nearer and nearer to the computer screen. I must've answered 200+ questions. I answered a question, hit next, answered a question, hit next, answered a question, hit next, and suddenly...!!


Monday, October 8, 2012



From the day, I arrived on this website, and blinking, step into the application…

MY DCP JOURNEY OFFICIALLY BEGINS! The application is very straightforward. You make an account with Disney Careers and they start with basic information, anything you might expect on a standard job application. Then, instead of uploading a resume, Disney has their own separate format for inputting work experience. It was a little tedious, especially since I’ve had 7 different jobs! It’s not like I’m a workaholic or anything, a lot of the jobs I’ve had were just over summer. They say to include volunteer work, but I ran out of room! There are only 7 pages for work experience.

The fun part came next! Role selection!

You also have to decide whether you are applying for Disneyland, Disney World, or both. I chose both to increase my chances! The roles included: Attractions, Merchandise, Character Attendant, Character Performer (audtion required), Quick-Service Food & Beverage, Full-Service Food & Beverage, Custodial, Parking & Transportation, Main Entrance Operations, Housekeeping, Concierge, Front Desk, Vacation Planner, Lifeguard, Recreation, etc. Here is a fun little link with all of the descriptions. Some of them include cute little videos! The app tells you to select No Interest, Low Interest, Moderate Interest, High Interest. I read that it is best to mark High Interest for as many as possible. But this doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get one of your high interest roles, you can get anything really! I think the only roles I selected for low interest were Lifeguarding, Research, and Housekeeping. Other than that they were all high interest with maybe one or two moderate interest here and there! I will go into detail about my “top 5” later.

Something I definitely noticed while filling out the application was that there is no save button. Maybe it was just my computer being weird, or I just plain couldn’t see it, but I would recommend saving enough time to do the application in one sitting. (which is about 30-40min depending how much work experience you need to fill out) Also, you need to know your social security number!

So here I am feeling the rush of suddenly deciding to apply for next semester, and I make it all the way through my basic info, entering all my past work experience, and had just completed my role selection for Disney World. All I had left was role selection for Disneyland. Of course, what happens next? The internet goes out and nothing is saved.